Sunday, September 13, 2009

Ethan. Ryan. Joshua.

I can't believe all our boys are in school! Ethan is now in First grade and loves it! He comes home everyday saying how glad he is to be in the first grade. Ryan is in Kindergarten and LOVES filling in his dot sheets because then he gets a "treasure chest." Joshua is in the same pre-school that Ethan and Ryan attended when they were 3 and 4 years old. He totally knows the ropes and couldn't get there fast enough (see video)!

Crested Butte

My husband and I took a trip to Crested Butte without kids. We had been here before but with the kids. This time we got to bike the world famous 401 trail and hike from Crested Butte to the pass where you can look into Aspen. We had so much fun and can't wait to take another trip like this soon!

Steamboat Springs, CO

This year for our Meiners Family Reunion we all met in Steamboat Springs. We rented a house in the mountains near the town. We had a blast swimming, hiking, playing in the park, shopping, and celebrating Robyn and Dan's upcoming arrival...a baby boy (surprise, surprise)!

Telluride, CO