Sunday, September 13, 2009

Ethan. Ryan. Joshua.

I can't believe all our boys are in school! Ethan is now in First grade and loves it! He comes home everyday saying how glad he is to be in the first grade. Ryan is in Kindergarten and LOVES filling in his dot sheets because then he gets a "treasure chest." Joshua is in the same pre-school that Ethan and Ryan attended when they were 3 and 4 years old. He totally knows the ropes and couldn't get there fast enough (see video)!


sam森 said...

wow ~ so cute

Gardner Family said...

I can only dream. Just when I get one old enough to go to school I go and have another baby. Dangit!!!

Bob and Julie said...

I have to remember never to call that little guy handsome!! Man, he's got a good little wind up for that punch there. Your boys are adorable. I'm glad they're having educational success! :)

Daniel and Monica Long said...

Boys are so funny! "I'm gonna punch you in the face." What a boy thing to say! I can't believe how old your boys look. They're pretty stinkin' cute!

Tagan said...

Love the video B! ... "I'm NOT handsome and if you say it again, I'm going to punch you in the face!" It totally made me laugh out loud!

Stephanie said...

You boys are VERY handsome. I could just eat Joshy up and I can't believe how tall both Ethan and Ryan are. I was laughing so hard at that video:) You turned the video off after that so what was your reaction?:) Do you have a black eye now? I love you guys and miss you so much!!

bradrick said...

Are those school uniforms or matching outfits??(Ryan & Ethan)